Tuco Marine ApS – ProZero Workboats are these days at Klaipeda University Marine Research Institute for the kick-off meeting of our new EU project, REFEST EU Project
REFEST EU Project (Reducing Emissions in Fisheries through Scalable Technologies) is dedicated to implementing the most promising scalable technologies with low CAPEX, designed to enhance smaller fishing vessels. These technologies focus on improving hydrodynamics, electrical power management, solar electricity generation and innovative propulsion, sensoring and digitalization, hull appendages, and air lubrication. The project aim is to achieve TRL6, targeting up to a 40% reduction in fuel consumption and GHG emissions compared to the original designs.
The solutions will be suitable for a broad range of small fishing vessels, characterized by low CAPEX and OPEX requirements, significantly reducing payback time. The consortium aims ensure the scalability of these solutions post-project implementation till 2029.
Key innovations include:
– Innovative hull designs using bulbs and spray rails to enhance hydrodynamics and minimize friction and noise
– Recyclable thermoplastic composites for maritime applications
– Air lubrication systems
– Integration of multi-functional optical fiber sensors for hull monitoring
– Hybrid propulsion systems with RIM drive solutions
– Optimized battery packs for cold weather with high recyclability
– Advanced BMS, EMS, and PMS for energy management
– Cloud-based eco-driving software
– Lightweight and flexible silicon PV panels
We are excited about the retrofit demonstrations on these smaller workboats in the North Sea (Denmark & Norway) and the Baltic Sea (Lithuania).
A big thank you to all our partner organisations for their commitment and collaboration:
Klaipėdos universitetas AIMPLAS · Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico RISE Research Institutes of Sweden National Marine Fisheries Research Institute
@NextHorizon BlueNav EAS Batteries GmbH @CALCULO Y ESTRUCTURAS SENSADAS SL RINA Consulting – Centro Sviluppo Materiali ENCO Engineering and Consulting srl Klaipeda University Marine Research Institute
Tuco Marine ApS – ProZero Workboats @Lietuvos Žuvininkystės Produktų Gamintojų Asociacija @Gemi Boats Scandinavia AS
Looking forward to the innovative and sustainable solutions we will bring to the workboat industry together!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101157663. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.