The ProZero 8m USV is equipped with a range of advanced features that ensure seamless integration with the ENDURUNS AUV system. It serves as a vital companion, facilitating geotagging, communication, and command transmission between the AUV and the Remote Mission Control Center (RMCC). This dynamic collaboration allows for real-time updates and mission adjustments, ensuring optimal performance and flexibility in any environment.
One of the standout features of the ProZero 8m USV is its ability to connect with the AUV when needed and return to port as a single unit. This streamlined operation not only enhances efficiency but also facilitates accurate geotagging of the areas mapped or inspected by the AUV, providing invaluable data for various applications.
To extend operational autonomy, the ProZero 8m ENDURUNS USV integrates a hybrid power bank comprising a hydrogen fuel cell, battery pack, and photovoltaic panels. This intelligent energy management system ensures sustained power supply even in remote deep ocean or heavy traffic environments, making the USV self-sufficient and adaptable to diverse operational requirements.